Dear families and friends,
We’re all very excited to show you what we’ve been up to. We’ve been busy learning how to show and differentiate our emotions with our new friend, “The Color Monster”.
Along with Mr Ducky we met a new emotion; love!! We now know that each of them is very important and realized that we feel more than one every day.
On the other hand, every November we have a special celebration called Thanksgiving! We read a story and learned about the Pilgrims and how the Indians helped them to make a new life in America.
After the story we sang “10 Little Indians” and practiced counting with our fingers and other objects. Let’s all give thanks for all the blessings we have on our every day!
Until then,
Ja estem adaptats, comencem la nostra aventura amb les rutines de pensament!!
Benvolgudes famílies,Ara que ja estem adaptats, comencem la nostra aventura amb les rutines de pensament, aquest mes ens estem centrant en nosaltres mateixos, conèixer les parts de nostre cos i posar nom a allò que sentim, les nostres...
Benvolgudes famílies!!!Ja tornem a ser aquí!!! I començem una nova aventura a les classes de tortugues, dofins i balenes. Aquests dies estem coneixent els nostres companys, les mestres i els espais de l' escola, també els materials que tenim a...