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Dear families and friends,

Another season of the year has arrived; Spring!!  Your children have been learning all about it; how the weather has changed, it’s getting warmer and how all the trees and flowers start to bloom again.

Knowing that we can find many types of plants in outdoor spaces, we can also have plants in our houses.  That is why we had so much fun learning about the different parts of the house such as roof, door, windows, curtains, stairs and garden.

They had a blast singing along our TET songs and also picking up the flowers while saying their different colors, counting them, smelling them and sharing them with their friends.

I would like to invite you to continue practicing with your child, share some time outside and let them be amazed by all the beautiful things they can discover!

Until then,



La importància dels hàbits

La importància dels hàbits

Hola famílies!Avui us volem parlar de la importància dels hàbits a l'etapa d'educació infantil, aquestes rutines ens aporten seguretat i a poc a poc anem aconseguint més autonomia, alhora ens fan ser més conscients del pas del temps durant el...

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