During this past month we’ve had lots of fun learning the numbers from 1-5 with our friends, the Five Little Monkeys. Before singing the song we read the story where we saw mama monkey and doctor monkey. After knowing what happens at the end of the story, we were ready to sing the song along with the puppets.
This song is very exciting for them and nothing better than having one of the puppets to make it fall out of the bed. We practice the vocabulary such as jump, fell off, bump, call and going to bed. We also talked about where the monkeys live and the funny sound they make. I’d like to invite you to count some of your toys!!
Until then,
Miss Cristina.
Ja estem adaptats, comencem la nostra aventura amb les rutines de pensament!!
Benvolgudes famílies,Ara que ja estem adaptats, comencem la nostra aventura amb les rutines de pensament, aquest mes ens estem centrant en nosaltres mateixos, conèixer les parts de nostre cos i posar nom a allò que sentim, les nostres...
Benvolgudes famílies!!!Ja tornem a ser aquí!!! I començem una nova aventura a les classes de tortugues, dofins i balenes. Aquests dies estem coneixent els nostres companys, les mestres i els espais de l' escola, també els materials que tenim a...