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Dear families and friends,

First of all Happy Halloween!! It´s a real pleasure to continue our tradition this school year! Once again your children´s best friend, Mr. Ducky, was very busy teaching all students a new vocabulary related to Halloween so they could be preapred for this wonderful day!

They had lots of fun learning the new songs about witches, ghosts, pumpikins and many others.

Here you have a little peek on how our Halloween day went.  We danced along with the songs they learned and showed off their beautiful customs!  They also had a blast with a game called “put the face on the pumpkin”. The children were blindfolded, spinned around 3 times and had to put the eyes, nose and mouth on the pumpking to complete its face!!

The idea was for them to see how crooked it could turn out since they could not see or choose where to place them.

Remember to take lots of pictures and share them with us so we can display them here at school!

Until then,

Ms. Cristina 



Benvolgudes famílies!!!Ja tornem a ser aquí!!! I començem una nova aventura a les classes de tortugues,  dofins i balenes. Aquests dies estem coneixent els nostres companys, les mestres i els espais de l' escola, també els materials que tenim a...

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