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Dear families and friends, 

Our English teachers’ team really enjoyed developing different activities about colors.  For our P2 students we focused on how, by mixing the primary colors, we can create three new ones, green, purple and orange!

They enjoyed creating each of them by mixing paint and then, looking for different toys they could find in the playground to match these colors!! They also practiced sorting them out with our new game “Colors”, by placing the sticks in its corresponding tube according to the color. 

With our P1 students, we still focus on the primary colors, and that’s why they sorted out some of their classroom objects and placed them in the corresponding ring.

Without leaving aside our dearest friend Mr. Ducky, we saw how different colors also matched our friends from the weather and emotions and then sang the colors song! We’d like to encourage you to continue practicing at home, you will all have a blast! 

Until then, 





Benvolgudes famílies!!!Ja tornem a ser aquí!!! I començem una nova aventura a les classes de tortugues,  dofins i balenes. Aquests dies estem coneixent els nostres companys, les mestres i els espais de l' escola, també els materials que tenim a...

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