Dear families and friends,
As you all well know, Autumn is almost over and that’s why we took the opportunity to learn more things about this season of the year along with our beloved Mr. Ducky.
We organized different activities for our English classes that included a short Autumn story, how the weather’s changing and the different clothes we have to wear since it’s getting cold as the days go by such as sweaters, scarf, raincoat, among others.
The children were very enthusiastic when learning how leaves change their color and seeing how they all start to fall from the trees as Winter gets closer. Take a look to the pictures to see how they really enjoyed it, and so did I.
Until then,
Miss Cristina.
Ja estem adaptats, comencem la nostra aventura amb les rutines de pensament!!
Benvolgudes famílies,Ara que ja estem adaptats, comencem la nostra aventura amb les rutines de pensament, aquest mes ens estem centrant en nosaltres mateixos, conèixer les parts de nostre cos i posar nom a allò que sentim, les nostres...
Benvolgudes famílies!!!Ja tornem a ser aquí!!! I començem una nova aventura a les classes de tortugues, dofins i balenes. Aquests dies estem coneixent els nostres companys, les mestres i els espais de l' escola, també els materials que tenim a...